July 07, 2010

Justin Bieber Hates Koreans Is The New Rumor

Justin Bieber Hates Koreans Is The New Rumor
Just when the attacks on Justin Bieber were not enough, some communities on the internet jealous of his success have taken up new tactics in order to destroy Justin Bieber’s reputation among the young teens. Communities like 4chan, Ebaumsworld have been so obsessed in attacking on 4chan that their latest tactic was to rig the poll on where Justin Bieber is supposed to visit. Just a while ago I noticed something new and that was “Justin Bieber hates Koreans” rumour flying around. Though directed towards North Koreans it is definitely meant to provoke a reaction from Justin Bieber – if he will really go to North Korea or not. I checked on his popularity on Google for North Korea and there is no data available meaning that North Korea has not yet been exposed to Justin Bieber phenomenon. In case Justin Bieber does go to North Korea then he would need to have to go through security procedures.